I still need to post about Sydney's promotion ceremony and Olivia's voice recital, both of which happened in May, but before I get to those, here are some random happenings from last month!
➸➸ Star Wars Day is always a fun day for my girls to show off their cute clothes! May the Fourth be with you!
➸➸ Poppy took Sydney to her Father's Day bowling outing for preschool, and they were voted Cutest Couple there!
➸➸ I made my mom friends these cute little gifts letting them know that I thought they were the bomb!
➸➸ Ummmm, best picture of me EVER!
➸➸ The girls had their formal recital pictures taken. Since they had the same song, their costumes were similar. Liv wore a modified version of her costume from last year! They looked cute together!
➸➸ The girls were complaining that their cereal was getting soggy, so I got them each the Obol bowl so that wouldn't happen. #rotten
➸➸ When I boarded the plane for Indiana, I realized I needed to make some room on my cell phone by deleting some old pictures. I have around 11,000 pictures on my phone, and despite the fact that they are all also on my computer, I have a serious issue when it comes to deleting them. Anyway, I went way back into the archives of 2014 and when I looked at the first picture that popped up {which was not the first picture in my camera roll}, I realized that the outfit Olivia was wearing in the picture was the exact outfit we had packed for her to wear to school that day! I sent it to my mom and had her take a picture of Olivia before she left for school. Incidentally, that was a newer shirt...I loved it so and it was getting too small :) Got to keep my kids in their DMB shirts!

➸➸ David and my dad worked SO hard on this play structure for the girls. It has been MONTHS in the making. David searched craigslist, bargained, secured, disassembled, and moved, and my dad helped sand, stain, and rebuild this thing. Once our turf was put in, we were able to get it all put together and the girls have been LOVING it! It was nice in the beginning of the summer {errr, when school was out} when it was still tolerable in the mornings. I am excited for this winter when we can be outside all the time - I know where they will be!
➸➸ Did you guys stick with us through that whole blog? Way to go!